Zum Sängerfest

            Lyrics by Chorasir von Gustav Pesiat - Melodie by von Franz Przybilski

      Bruder und Schwestern, fern und nah,    Brothers and sisters, far and near,

            Findet euch ein zu frohem Singen,    finds you cheerfully singing

                       Über dei Weiten der Prairie    over the wide prairie.

          Last die vertrauten Weisen klingen.    Let the familiar sounds show.

    Weiht euch der Freude un dem Gesang,   Bless you with joy and singing,

               Dienet dem Liede ein Leben lang.   let songs be your life-long attendant.

           Weiht euch der Freude und Gesang   Bless you with joy and singing,

              Dienet dem Liede ein Leben Lang.   let songs be your life-long attendant.


Sangerfest is a biannual music festival of German choirs from the prairie provinces.  Each choir would host the Sangerfest in rotation.  Men’s, women’s and mixed choirs from Edmonton, Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat and Lethbridge have participated over the years. It was a joyous opportunity for these choirs to meet and celebrate their German heritage in song.

The upcoming Sangerfest in Calgary of May 27-29.2017 will be the last of this longstanding musical tradition of the German choirs of the Canadian Prairies. This decision has been made due to many of the choir members getting older difficulties with travel, along with increased  travel expenses.

Even though Sangerfest will not go on,  the friendships and memories will always be there.  

Odo Gorfer says, “I’ve attended over 20 Sangerfests in my time with Liederkranz.  As well as enjoying listening to the other choirs, the social time spent with them was memorable – some late night, drinking, partying and spontaneous outbreaks of songs of the Heimat.

Windspear Center, Edmonton

Windspear Center, Edmonton